5 Marla Houses / City Peshawar - Filtered
Suffyan Garden Warsak Road Peshawar , Peshawar
PKR 19,000,000
PKR 19,000,000
5 Marla
Suffyan Garden Warsak Road Peshawar
Model Town Peshawar, Peshawar
PKR 60,000 / Per month
PKR 60,000 / Per month
5 Marla
Model Town Peshawar
Shams-ul-Qamar town, Peshawar
PKR 16,000,000
Wapda Town, Peshawar
PKR 8,500,000
Hayatabad phase 7, Sector E-5, Peshawar
PKR 26,000,000
Executive Lodges Warsak Road Peshawar , Peshawar
PKR 20,000,000
tasneem garden Doran pur near to ring road and motorway peshawar , Peshawar
PKR 16,500,000
PKR 16,500,000
5 Marla
tasneem garden Doran pur near to ring road and motorway peshawar
Sufyan Garden Warsak Road, Peshawar
PKR 21,000,000
5 Marla house offers an ideal living space for small and medium-size families. People with lower and middle-income families are more attracted to the 5 Marla house for sale for its affordability and smart accommodation features.
Features of 5 Marla houses for sale:
- The land used in 5 Marla houses for sale is 1125 square feet/125 square feet/ 125 square yards/104 square meters. The house can easily accommodate 4 to 5 family members. The house can be constructed in a single or double storey building for extra living space.
- With good architecture and planning, the space can be used in the most optimum manner possible. The house with smart design can accommodate 4 to 5 bedrooms; attach bathrooms, TV Lounge, drawing and dining room and a car porch. 5 Marla houses can also fit a small garden or backyard with smart planning.
- 5 Marla houses category is the most popular category of land for sale. Therefore, there are blocks with plot cuttings of 5 Marla. You can buy 5 Marla house in all areas of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
Price trend of 5 Marla houses for sale:
- The price range of 5 Marla houses for sale in Rawalpindi and Islamabad is versatile. The rates are different from area to area; likewise, the mode of construction also increases the house’s value.5 Marla houses for rent are easily found in central and different areas of twin cities.
- The Price of 5 Marla house in Rawalpindi can range from 2.5 million to 2.1 crore in different areas. However, in Bahria Town, the price range is from 50Lacs to 2 Crore.
- 5 Marla house for sale in Islamabad ranges from 70 Lacs to 3 Crores. The 5 Marla house for rent in Islamabad ranges from 50 thousand to 80 Thousand.
- 5 Marla houses for rent in Rawalpindi range from 12 thousand to 60 Thousand respectively.