4 Marla Houses in Karachi
Scheme 33 ,near Paradise bekri, Gulshan block 4A, Karachi
PKR 32,500,000
120 Square Meters
Houses/Villas, 4 Marla Houses
Park facing House Ground + 2 Separate Portion Scheme 33 Gulshan-e-iqbal
+ 2 Rooms more kitchen wash room pant house
near main road paradise bekri, super mart and transport just available one min walk
inside society park
House for Sell
Ground + 2 + paint house with kitchen
Each portion Seprate portion
( Rent Here in society per Portion 30 to 35 thousands)
120 sqryrds
Covered boundry Society
(Society having 120 houses Best security Cameras and Guards)
Separated Portion Meters
Each portion Separate Grill and Gate
3 Fase Light System
Genertor connect Each separte Portion
Sweet water Bored installed
no tention for water
Beautiful Graphics Color
Fully Tiles & Marbles Floor and Washroom
( Each portion Different Desgins and Style)
Near bus stop and market 1 min Distance
Demand 3,25
0/3/4/2 2/8/5/3/6/7/8
0/3/3/2 3/4/5/4/7/8/8
Near Double Commercial Paradise, A One Society
Kent city and spring field school school, Gulzar e hijri, Abu Al asafhani road, scheme 33 Block 4A Gulshan e iqbal
PKR 32,500,000
120 Square Meters
Scheme 33 ,near Paradise bekri, Gulshan block 4A
4 Marla house offers ideal space to accommodate small and nuclear families. The rates of 4Marla house for sale in many housing societies are budget-friendly therefore, people from a humble background can afford it easily.
Price trend of 4 Marla house for sale:
- The overall cost of construction of the 4 Marla plot is around 20 Lacs and a unit is usually available from 35 Lacs, making it pretty budget-friendly. However, the construction cost of 4 Marla houses can vary from area to area and is different in all housing societies. For instance;
- 4 Marla house for sale in an area like Chakri Road ranges from 35 Lacs to 50 Lacs. In newly developing houses the range is slightly different. However, in housing societies like Gulzar-e-Quaid, the price of a 4-Marla house ranges from 80 Lacs to 95 Lacs.
- In different sectors of Islamabad, the price ranges from 1.2 crores to 3.6 Crores.
Reasons to invest in 4 Marla house:
- A 4 Marla house can be home to futuristic amenities and facilities with sound construction.
- The house offers an ideal place to live for small families.
- Enjoy the long-term revenue by renting a 4-Marla house for sale.
- There will be minimum cost on maintenance of the house
- 4 Marla houses are trendy, and you can buy the house and sell it after a few months for attractive revenue. With a peak in demand, 4 Marla houses are sold quickly.