What is the difference between Registration and Property Transfer in Pakistan
Feb 03, 2022 by Naukhez Arshad Qadir
Real estate investments are considered the most revenue-generating business in Pakistan. Many terms and industry-related vocabulary, such as the difference between registration and property transfer, are important to be known to be successful in the property industry.
These terms and property-related matters help avoid any pitfalls that can threaten your lifetime savings.
Reall.Pk shares the meaning of different terms and property-related matters in our blogs, such as the difference between plots and plots file. Now, this blog will help you understand the difference between registration and transfer of property. So let’s get started.
These terms and property-related matters help avoid any pitfalls that can threaten your lifetime savings.
Reall.Pk shares the meaning of different terms and property-related matters in our blogs, such as the difference between plots and plots file. Now, this blog will help you understand the difference between registration and transfer of property. So let’s get started.
Difference between registration and transfer of property:
Many real estate terms depict legal aspects of property transactions and property documentation. Registration of property and transfer is also among the crucial terms a real estate business persona should know off. The difference between them is not very wide, but it changes the meaning of property documentation involved in the process.
Definition of terms:
Property Transfer:
To know about the difference between transfer and property registration, it is essential to understand that both terms apply to property transfer in Pakistan; it also includes inheritance and immovable property, which is given as a gift.
- Gift: Gifting a property means the real estate owner transfers land or property to someone in his life. Property transfer as a gift is standard in Pakistan, and there are not many legal procedures involved in it. When someone gifts property in Pakistan, they do not have to pay any fee against the property transfer.
According to the Property Act 1882:
“Gift" is the transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily and without consideration by one person, called the donor, to another, called the donor, and accepted by or on behalf of the donee. Acceptance, when to be made-Such acceptance must be made during the donor’s lifetime and while he is still capable of giving. If the donee dies before acceptance, the gift is void.”
- Inheritance of Property: Property inheritance involves the proper transfer of the real estate to its legal heirs. The list of heirs usually includes the offspring of the person. According to the Transfer of Property Act and Islamic Law, there is no concept of Will, and the property has to be distributed equally to all legal heirs accordingly. The Inheritance issues are mostly brought in courts if the problem is not solved in the lifetime of the property owners.
Required Documents for Property Transfer in Pakistan:
Here is the list of the documents needed to easily process the property transfer in Pakistan.
- Land Ownerships Papers (original and copies)
- National identity Card copies of all the involved parties, i.e., sellers, buyers, and witnesses from both sides.
- Copy of Passport (of any person who is non-Pakistani)
- NOC from the related Building Control Authority of that specific province
- In the case of foreigners, No Objection Certificate from M/o for property transactions.
- NOC from Foreign Office for the property transaction (for overseas Pakistanis/foreigners)
- Bank Draft (amount vary from case to case)
Definition of Property Registration in Pakistan:
Real estate registration is a legal and straightforward procedure. The process involves stamping and charges, which are due for any property sales deed. The process is simple and similar to property transfer except for monetary factors.
Property Registration in Pakistan involves buyers who buy real estate on agreed value from the seller and register the transaction in the relevant registrar’s office.
Required Documents for Property Registration in Pakistan:
Here is the list of relevant documents which are required for property registration in Pakistan
- N.I.C of all parties involved (Sellers, buyers, and witnesses).
- The original title deed of the seller
- Stapled Sale Deal
- NOC from Town Nazim
- Power of attorney (If allotted)
So that’s a wrap! Remember that property registrations in Pakistan or transfer of property in Pakistan are both legal matters and should be dealt with in proper ways. It is essential to decide everything mutually and involve a legal consultant as soon as possible to put everything aligned in one place. According to different laws and procedures, the transfer and registration process can take up to 2 to 3 months.
Feel free to share your feedback and queries at info@reall.pk. Stay tuned to Reall.Pk blog page for the latest news and information on real estate.

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